little things in life

The little things in life

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Planning the big day out

Sometimes we need to remember, it’s about enjoying the little things in life. Now, I’m sure we all love a good day out. I am often one to plan them so far in advance it’s verging on ridiculous. The thing is I absolutely love to have things to look forward to. I think I actually need it, I would go as far as to say I feel quite sad if I haven’t got anything booked in the diary. Quite often I have to wait months and months for an event I have booked. Every time it pops into my head, I actually get an excited little butterfly fluttering around in my stomach. I love it, I am constantly looking for ‘what next’! I even book tickets that I know will throw me into my overdraft, but hey ‘you can’t take it with you’ right?!
Not only do I spend months researching it and waiting for the event to take place… I also have to plan the ‘outfit’ for the event. I don’t know why but my daughter must be themed to that event whether it’s a full blown costume or just a complementary colour. I’m not entirely sure what compels me to do this, but months before I’ll be busy googling away, finding the perfect outfit to match our day out. I’m always thinking what would look like nice in the photos, always anxious to get that one perfect photo to sum up our day…. so if the outfits wrong then so too is the photo. Anyway you get the picture, I research, I book, I plan, I wait…. this is what I do, researching and planning the next fun thing to do.

The big day arrives…

Do you want to know something completely crazy?
Quite often, the morning of the event I won’t even feel like going?! I’d rather have an extra hour in bed, chill on the sofa or have a duvet day in my ‘Jim-Jams’. Even though the event has been booked months in advance, I’ve bought the tickets, I’ve felt the excited butterflies, I’ve compiled the cute outfit (even made it myself on occasion!)…
Unfortunately the rebel in me simply hates having to be somewhere at an actual time!!! Sometimes I feel like I can’t be bothered to physically go? What?! Ultimately I do go, I make the effort to get ready and make the journey there. I always have a lovely time once I arrive. It’s just the thought of it I can’t face, but once I’m there I love it. I have lots of fun, enjoy the time with my family and take lots of photos. One of my favourite parts of the day is the journey home and looking at the pictures I’ve captured. Wondering what ones I’ll get printed, upload to Instagram or add to a photo book!

The little things in life

The point I’m trying to make is actually, sometimes it’s the little things in life that are important. Just as much as the large flashy expensive big days out. The thought of having no plans at the weekend can be pure delight. A free floaty feeling with excitement and a glimmer of spontaneity. As much as I love a fun day out, the idea of no ties, no appointments, no-one expecting me to be somewhere at an allotted time excites me! Well, ‘I’m free’ and it’s a feeling I’ve grown to love. Maybe I’m growing up and learning that the little things in life are just as important as the big things. Often overlooked but in actual fact, those are the things that you and your children remember and love.
So here are some of our favourite little things that we don’t have to plan. We can rock up and do them whenever we like… we are masters of our own destiny!

Brunch at our favourite little coffee shop:

the little things in life coffee shopthe little things in life latte and spoonsthe little things in life coffee shop chairs

the little things in life eden reading
Play time at a local park:
the little things in life eden at the parkthe little things in life eden parkthe little things in life eden park
We browse some books at the library:

the little things in life library
We might even hunt for fairies:
the little things in life eden finding fairiesthe little things in life eden blowing fairies
Thank you for reading The Little Things in Life!
Eden’s wearing: Cream top and navy leggings – Next, Floral skirt – Little Bird by Jools & Denim jacket – Tu Clothing at Sainsbury’s.


  1. This is so true. We plan so much and then love a weekend at home with no plans ! Sometimes we just bob to Trentham Gardens for a walk around the lake and an ice cream !

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