Back at the Gym after Lockdown
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Life in Lockdown
2020 has been a very surprising year and something that has shocked and surprised us all. I rely on going to the gym to not only get fit but it also allows me to have a healthy mind too.
During Lockdown, like many, I started out with great intentions. I exercised at home and did classes online and kept myself moving as much as I could. However, I really like to do classes for the great atmosphere and to spur me on whilst I am feeling tired. It was inevitable that my enthusiasm for working out at home dwindled after a month or so. Trying to continue to try to stay healthy and go for long walks but I just wasn’t exercising as much as I needed to. I felt myself start to feel sluggish, gain some weight, lost muscle definition and just didn’t feel as strong and fit as I normally would. It really affected my mood and self confidence. I couldn’t wait until the gyms opened and I could return to the Gym after Lockdown.
What to expect
Initially I was quite nervous about returning to the gym after lockdown. I hadn’t been out in months, had avoided shops and being out in the public. I really wasn’t sure what to expect and if I would feel safe and comfortable enough to exercise again at the gym. On my first morning back at the gym I could see straight away all the safety measures that they had put in place at my local David Lloyd Gym.

Safety Measures Implemented
David Lloyd, (as are all gyms), are closely following government guidelines.
Sanitising stations have been placed throughout the club and clear safety signs and markings on the floor to keep members and staff socially distanced. Plastic screens have been introduced at the reception desk and club lounge area.
On the gym floor members can maintain at least a 2m distance from each other in all areas. Some gym equipment is no longer in use to allow social distancing between machines. An additional gym space has been created within the tennis court to allow an overflow gym area for busier times. This area also has exclusive workout times for the over 60’s only. Again there are sanitising stations along with sanitiser spray and disposable blue paper for members to wipe down and clean equipment before and after use.
Within the Group Exercise Studios a 2.5m individual space has been created for each participant, allowing social distancing. Class sizes have also been reduced and start times are staggered. Extra time has also been allowed so that all equipment is cleaned before and after classes.
Numbers are limited for members in the pools and swimmers are asked to swim at 5m intervals.
In the club lounge, tables and chairs are more spaced out to ensure everyone can practice social distancing. You are asked to keep to one household per table. Your orders are taken at the table for food and drink and if you need to visit the pay counter you must wear a face mask. All staff in the lounge wear face coverings and you are able to make contactless payments.

What is available in the gym?
Don’t panic, nearly all of what you loved in the gym is still available:
Indoor gym facilities, Personal Training, Blaze, Fitness Classes, Tennis courts, Pools, Club Lounge, Kids Clubs, Changing rooms with toilets, showers and lockers.
Being back at the gym after lockdown has been so uplifting. My mood has lifted, I feel better and stronger in myself. It’s like I am more in control of my life again and noticing great results both physically and mentally.
If you are struggling to find motivation read our 10 TIPS TO KEEP MOTIVATED AT THE GYM.
If you want to know more about the Blaze workout read WHAT IS THE NEW DAVID LLOYD BLAZE WORKOUT ABOUT?
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