10 ways to entertain the kids at home
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How to entertain the kids at home
You don’t need to be bored at home with the kids. If you are looking for some free, cheap and fun things to do at home with the kids, check out my list of how to entertain the kids at home:
1. Scavenger Hunt
If your looking for ways to entertain the kids at home a scavenger hunt around the home can be lots of fun. There are lots of options and you can make it as easy or as tricky as you like. You could start simply, maybe asking them to find all items of one colour (for example, all red items). Another option could be giving them a list they have to think a bit more about, for example:
- Something shiny
- Something that makes you smile
- Something soft
- Your favourite thing
- Something that smells nice
- Something made of wood
- Something you can cook with
- Something you can use to tickle someone
Once the kids have finished finding the items, how about then hiding an item and asking them to find it?
2. Exercise
When it comes to exercise, the world is your oyster. You can make this as active as you dare. Whether you fancy a tougher workout, perhaps setting up workout stations around your lounge like a circuit class or maybe something more low intensity. Try searching YouTube for some yoga videos. There is something to suit everyone, plus it helps to burn off all that extra energy kids seem to have!
3. Start a scrapbook
We love to record our adventures in a scrapbook journal. We use photos, stickers, craft bits and pieces to make a little book filled with lots of happy memories. Read my blog post for more details on Scrapbooking with Kids.

4. Baking/Cooking
You don’t have to just bake bread, cakes or cookies at home with the kids. Why not ask them to help you make dinner? Whether it’s cracking the eggs, cutting up vegetables or mixing it all together. Sometimes the simple things like letting the kids set the oven alarm can bring them the most joy! Simple things!

5. Build a Den
Try building a den using chairs, tables, sofa cushions and blankets. If you don’t fancy building a den, what about a fort made from a large cardboard box, you can colour the outside and make the inside nice and comfy with cushions and blankets.
6. Make some play dough
Kids love playing with play dough, so why not make your own? You can make your own very quickly and cheaply and it lasts for months! We found a simple play dough recipe.
7. Learn life skills
Learning a life skill could be something simple as doing up a button or learning to sew. Maybe you could set a new task each day. How about tying a shoe lace, learning to tell the time or counting money? These are all useful skills that children will need in their life at some point.
8. Read together
Why not organise your books into a library and work your way through them. Maybe read a book or two together each day. How about creating a little reading nook with lots of comfy cushions and blankets and getting really cosy?

9. Gardening
When it comes to gardening there’s lots you can do. You could try sweeping up the leaves, watering the plants, tidying the garden toys, planting some flowers or maybe start growing your own vegetable patch.

10. Board games & Jigsaw Puzzles
Let’s face it, we all have plenty of board games or jigsaws in the house and kids love nothing more than spending time with us. Maybe try a trickier puzzle that you can spend time each day adding a bit more to.

These are just a few examples of the fun but simple activities you can do to entertain the kids at home.
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